Monday, February 19, 2007

Live from New York...

OK...more like just back from New York.

For those who haven't been yet, I can't recommend P.S.1 enough. Not only will you find some amazing work and great exhibitions, the museum itself has a great "punk rock" vibe and at two dollars for students its an amazing deal (especially when you consider that going to P.S.1's parent museum, MoMA, will set you back tweleve dollars).

I also had a chance to check out the Regional MFA Exhibition which is being hosted by Hunter College. This was a great opportunity to check out the work being produced by other schools in the Northeast, most notably Tyler, SVA, Hunter, Yale, Rutgers, and a host of others. Since there were so many artists in the show (about five per school) I found my reactions to be pretty mixed...while there were some great pieces there were just as many that left me ambivilent (or worse). Overall this is a great opportunity to see what the "competition" is up to. While there wasn't much in the way of digital work to speak of (although there was at least one digital print that I found to be quite impressive), there was a solid representation of video pieces and enough innovative work to get the creative juices flowing.

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