Monday, May 7, 2007

Ahaa is Georgie One More Time Now Today

Ahaaaaaa! Is Georgie today yet again, your friend who is eating 0of the fishes and living together with you in the paraidoise of yourmind wic h is the MADA, a land of fuzzy trees and friendly monkeys who will eat any foodsw you give them such as a big red fish or a piece of bread or a drink of the vodka too you know. I am much hea vy heaarted to say though thaty I am mot as much liking MACDAa about this
Luddite blog, which is a dismay dev elo0pment. How of this can you say that to your mother that you must touch let her in that place is disgust. And how of this can you say that orgasm is like sneeze, this is just not a right thing and you know. You must not go around with such a blog, you must stay here and press the orange3 and blue buttons on the intrenet whgich is all maqde of happy peole who llive in the MADA and have around them a big pile of American mo0ney, of coins and dollars which ar4e in big rows and help you to get a big resd fish or a cigarette or even a nice juicy tushy if you are feeling that you need one. OK, so I am Georgie. I am not wanting to have a nother scolding with you which will make you sadder or make you not as much to like of me. But you know that you must not go around with someone who have not seeen iunto a vulva for so many years, not to make fun of him in this way, whoev er he mayt be since this is not a very nice thing to say and to make of him. And this is what you must all nknow already of course3 sincfe you are of MADA and sleep gently next ot the flowi9ng waters and come to life only to enjoy a nice piece of fish and a bread and a big glass of beer I am knowing and thinking of you. OK so MADA I will foirgive you and you will forgive me since I am far far awaqy and cannot also be right there with you to helpy you with the right thing ev ery time. OK So this is Georgie and I a m you r best fri8end. If you can lend m e some dollars please send since this laqst winter I am out of edrived fish and am having no more to eat every gday. Justy so then I drink of the vodka rub potato on my forehead and try to think of MADA all times. Just so you know of what I am doing and how hard it may be. OK good bey from your best Friend Gerogie.


nidan said...

hello georgie, you've been told once already not to contribute this jibberish to our blogosphere. it will be censored and stricken from the record.

Nia said...

hey hey be nice to Georgie. i like him.