Monday, March 24, 2008

Con Tacos?

i found this is on the NYtimes. a slideshow about a town in Pennsylvania before the upcoming primary. i'm suprised that he feels comfortable demonstrating his ignorance in a nationally syndicated newspaper. frighteningly typical of ... anyway ... what a dick.

this was the caption.

[...] But Peter Contacos, 42, the fourth generation of his family to own and operate [the diner] Coney Island Lunch, said he would not vote for Senator Barack Obama "because his name is Barack Hussein Obama -- case closed."

but let's take a look at this gentleman's name. he is first named after a cock. second, his surname translates as a dishonest mexican lunch food. we should elect him.


MADA said...

um...i think this guy is from Scranton...and i'm not kidding...

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