Sunday, February 10, 2008

Please, behold the glory....


ANDREW GOODMAN: what was the name of that weird/awesome found sound band that you always brought up in Steven Janis' class? You brought in the album you had once.......i cant remember the name of it and now i need it.

Its really shitty that i hated that class, because now im obsessed with sound art and Musique Concrete. and glittering assholes, and strippers, and media based crazed shit. still.


Andrew said...

The group you're looking for is The Books. I highly recommend their album "The Lemon of Pink". Also, bonus points for Matmos I've got their album "The Civil War"

Nia said...

Hey thanks a lot! im gonna check that out. Yeha matmos is awesome. i just saw them up in baltimore like 2 weeks ago, they did a show.

addwords said...

The class wasn't that bad. It was just too early.
