Thursday, August 23, 2007


i never thought id say it, but after re-enrolling in public school......
.......i miss MICA.

FUCK this 55,000 student bullshit. god.


I'm sick of playing virtual soccer on the wii at work, who is down with Super Soccer Sunday?? Do I need to start sending weekly emails like Sergio? I will...believe me, I will! this sunday? next sunday?
Andrew...i'm going to rely on you for some of this since you are the new TA master for MADA. Get their shit together and meet us at the field...

Monday, August 6, 2007

Lonely Wright 30-something

Oh dear. She's dead. Read all about it in the Washington Post

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Seconds before...

someone (mark) hit me in the side of the head with a giant,leather pillow.

this is the only hard evidence I have of Mark and Helene's soiree.
