These photographs are ones that i may actually do something with as opposed to the cell phone stripper photos, which are sorta boring now that ive had a chance to really study them.
These are just 2 shots from many. Im actually using the male nude a lot more in my work now. The glitter was needed for some reason that i wasnt sure of when i was doing it. Im attracted to the cheapness. Im shooting another model soon and im still not entirely sure why im doing it. The one thing i can come up with is this:
I find it interesting to switch the roles and "objectify" a man.
Enjoy kids. Once again, comments welcome (and needed).
I'm finally able to post now. jaysus.
So this is all really great. I'm glad to see you are using the blog as a resource...makes me happy!
I have to think about all this a little bit more, but i think the progression is really interesting.
i will post a longer...well thought out response in a bit.
Nia, I like the glitter butts, actually, butt there still needs to be more I think, than just butts and sacks with glitter. And there needs to be more than just switching who's objectified, right? And why are the stripper cell phone images for me and Andrew? Strippers = usually not sexy. Never seen a sexy stripper, even one with glitter on his/her butt. That might be your point, butt then I won't have to wash up afterwards, will I?
looking forward to the comments. sorry i had to jet earlier today. i was so late.
the stripper pictures are for you and andrew because apparently its quite the conversation at mica. he IMd me to tell me about it.
and yes, strippers arent sexy. but i am. i <3 you.
Yikes! Butts. Very homoerotic territory, more because of the glitter than the naked butt. I think the butt is too nice. I need to see a pale, hairy, 55 year old butt with glitter. Now that's art.
the second image is titled "strange fruit"
....im trying to book more models, but for some reason, people are weirded out by their asses being photographed.
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