This is probably going to be my next piece, except that its going to be a sculptural/glitter interpretation. Im starting to do work about female sexuality (surprise surprise), but emphasize the superficial ownership of it......still using the cell phone. theyre easier to hide in the clubs. both of them were shot by the waitresses, for me.
anyway, im still not 100% sure about what i think, all i know is that its soooooo not as black and white as i made it out to be. feel free to comment.
Nia, this seems pretty interesting, but what do you mean by "sculptural/glitter interpretation?" That would be good to know.
i dont really know.
i went to art basel this december and everyone seems obcessed with "high" and "low" art and what they mean, and what the differences are.
Im interested in glitter as a sort of "low" medium and how those kinds of materials are going to effect the interpretation of the work.......im trying to think of how i can make the medium and concept relate......some words that come to mind are : surface, cheap, superficial, fake, and overwhelming. these are words that i associate with that whole industry. so (for now) i plan on doing glittery weirdo relief sculptural interpretations of these photographs.
i still feel like i need to take it one step further though......somethings missing.
does this make more sense?
So if I understand it, you'd be putting layers of glitter on top of the photographs? It's hard to say anything definitive without seeing some work, but my sense is that it might not be enough, in and of itself, to make the statement you're looking for. It might just seem too simple...I think your impulse to try and take it one step further somehow is a good one. I guess it would be very hard to get any video, huh? Have you thought about how you could continue with video at all?
i scrapped this idea. it was lame. the most predictable thing i could do was to put something cheap and confusing ON something else that was already cheap and confusing. i took some photo's of glitter, theyre on my blog, Awesome Stuff. Check it out if you want. Im getting into taxidermy coyotes. Ive been working on some sound art pieces (praise unto teh glory steven vitello and stephen janis), and im trying to figure out a way to continue with my video/media based shit, since thats where my heart is......recently ive been doing a lot of sculpture as well.
what really interests me the most is art that makes me think "why the fuck does this exist"".......overall, thats what i think im aiming for right now. "high art" and "low art" are of interest at the moment.
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