Sunday, March 11, 2007

why i hate cortney love.

ok, so she wasnt that bad at first, i actually respected her for doing what the hell she wanted all the time. i didnt think she killed curt. she was alright.
but then this came on, and now i want her to die. watch the first 30 seconds, its the actual commercial and it will make you cry.
she sold the song "breed" to some lame ass video game.....cuz that doesnt go totally against what nirvana stood for or anything (note my sarcasm). i expected dave grohl and that guy no one cares about to sell out, but courtney?!


Asikram said...

This must be true, yes? Where I come we not like such a thing to happen and tell her to stop.

Nia said...

i agree, thanks Georgie!