Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dinner Tomorrow

Hi MADA left-overs,
Let's have Korean dinner tomorrow!
I've reserved the Jong-Kak for 7 p.m. so let's meet at Cohen Plaza on 6:30 pm.
Rinehart's folks, Matti, Chris, will join with us. See you all!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


hey guys,
sorry for the late notice, but i'm not going to be going to work today. I'm come down with some sort of flu, feeling like shit and def not up for working in a smokey bar all night. I'm really sorry I won't get to see everyone before they leave but please keep in touch and be safe, have fun, learn a lot. Be in touch and we'll get together when you return.

Friday, May 18, 2007


can anyone post some damn pictures from the bar on final review day? or the show opening? or graduation?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

That's Amore ...

I know some of you are embarking on your summer journies on Monday and I'm not sure how up you are for heavy Italian food and drinks, but I'm bartending at That's Amore Sunday night. My shift starts at 4 and if anyone is interested in coming in and visiting, I would love that! Directions are easy...Take 95 South to Rt. 32 West towards Columbia. Get off at Rt. 29 towards Columbia town center follow 29 until you see the exit for Broken Land Parkway, bear left on the exit towards Merriweather Post Pavillion. At the second light (at Little Patuxent Parkway) take a right. I believe its 3 lights... at the third light you should see That's Amore to your left. Take that left into the mall area, parking is across the street from the resturant.

ahh, crisis century

i don't know that anyone's reading this right now, but as Crisis Century isn't highlighting these things for us ....

President Intervened in Dispute Over Eavesdropping

WASHINGTON, May 15 — President Bush intervened in March 2004 to avert a crisis over the National Security Agency’s domestic eavesdropping program after Attorney General John Ashcroft, Director Robert S. Mueller III of the F.B.I. and other senior Justice Department aides all threatened to resign, a former deputy attorney general testified Tuesday.

Mr. Bush quelled the revolt over the program’s legality by allowing it to continue without Justice Department approval, also directing department officials to take the necessary steps to bring it into compliance with the law, according to Congressional testimony by the former deputy attorney general, James B. Comey.

Although a conflict over the program had been disclosed in The New York Times, Mr. Comey provided a fuller account of the 48-hour drama, including, for the first time, Mr. Bush’s role, the threatened resignations and a race as Mr. Comey hurried to Mr. Ashcroft’s hospital sickbed to intercept White House officials, who were pushing for approval of the N.S.A. program.

the rest is here ...


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

were gonna be cyborgs.


The game...


I found this website the other day and thought it would be great to add to the Links...upon entering the site today I have found that one of their main articles is dedicated to Nintendo8.com
It seems other people are losing valuable time to this site as well.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

"lift your penis for me please"


Monday, May 7, 2007

Ahaa is Georgie One More Time Now Today

Ahaaaaaa! Is Georgie today yet again, your friend who is eating 0of the fishes and living together with you in the paraidoise of yourmind wic h is the MADA, a land of fuzzy trees and friendly monkeys who will eat any foodsw you give them such as a big red fish or a piece of bread or a drink of the vodka too you know. I am much hea vy heaarted to say though thaty I am mot as much liking MACDAa about this
Luddite blog, which is a dismay dev elo0pment. How of this can you say that to your mother that you must touch let her in that place is disgust. And how of this can you say that orgasm is like sneeze, this is just not a right thing and you know. You must not go around with such a blog, you must stay here and press the orange3 and blue buttons on the intrenet whgich is all maqde of happy peole who llive in the MADA and have around them a big pile of American mo0ney, of coins and dollars which ar4e in big rows and help you to get a big resd fish or a cigarette or even a nice juicy tushy if you are feeling that you need one. OK, so I am Georgie. I am not wanting to have a nother scolding with you which will make you sadder or make you not as much to like of me. But you know that you must not go around with someone who have not seeen iunto a vulva for so many years, not to make fun of him in this way, whoev er he mayt be since this is not a very nice thing to say and to make of him. And this is what you must all nknow already of course3 sincfe you are of MADA and sleep gently next ot the flowi9ng waters and come to life only to enjoy a nice piece of fish and a bread and a big glass of beer I am knowing and thinking of you. OK so MADA I will foirgive you and you will forgive me since I am far far awaqy and cannot also be right there with you to helpy you with the right thing ev ery time. OK So this is Georgie and I a m you r best fri8end. If you can lend m e some dollars please send since this laqst winter I am out of edrived fish and am having no more to eat every gday. Justy so then I drink of the vodka rub potato on my forehead and try to think of MADA all times. Just so you know of what I am doing and how hard it may be. OK good bey from your best Friend Gerogie.


Things I have learnt this year, including but not limited to and in no particular order:
1. Technological Determination
2. Biological Determination
3. Commodity Fetishism
4. Rhizomatic Disassociation
5. Merged Media
6. Patience and Irritibility
7. Embrace a Cyborg Life
8. Post Post-Modernist Discourse (PoPoMo)
9. A Decoder Ring and the lack of one.
10. I am not the artist I thought I was
11. I am dead, but my death does not come easily
12. I am one giant signifier
13. His stuff was crap
14. Arbitrary chains of signification
15. “Art School” is a descriptive term
16. Phantasmagoria
17. Late Capitalism vs. Marxism Dialect?
18. John Malkovitch is a Post Modern Metaphor
19. Art is useless as a Post Modern Metaphor
20. Art is useless as a Political Catalyst
21. Art is useless as a Commodity
22. Art is useless as a Communication
23. There is no grand narrative
24. There is no transcendental signifier
25. There is no spell check for a dry erase marker
26. Practical Post Modernism gets you a beach house in Nova Scotia
27. Art school is hard
28. French theorists die interesting deaths
29. Flash Memory is NOT Indestructible
30. Listening to the input of others is good…to a point
31. I am a 14 year old dyke
32. Knowing everything doesn’t make you smart
33. Naked women are just that
34. Cyclops can eat shit and die
35. A cup of coffee is nice
36. Subversion should be subverted
37. The California vegetable sandwich has more calories than a Big Mac.
38. Its Tuesday, show me your erection
39. On The Hill is closed on Sunday
40. And any other time you want to be there
41. An orgasm is like a sneeze
42. According to urban legend, a sneeze is 1/8 of an orgasm
43. See Point 30
44. Sometimes a sneeze is better than an orgasm, depending on the guy
45. Georgie is my friend.
46. Rendering is for soap, not art
47. The tanks are coming for you in DC…in Baltimore…in LA…in Nova Scotia
48. The government privileges water boarding over snowboarding.
49. Make sure your feces doesn’t come back in the cinema
50. Crisis Century=Purgatory
51. Its not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean
52. Wasabi makes everything better
53. ________ loves doing paperwork in the buff
54. Animation is time consuming
55. You can cook water
56. You’re goddamn right you can cook water
57. Its polite practice to wait for those getting OFF the elevator to actually get off before going in
58. Art is hard
59. You have to pay in many Baltimore restaurants.
60. Perhaps if you curl yourself into a ball, the suffering will be over
61. Its good to be Goodman
62. Beaudrillard is dead, so everything can go back to normal now.
63. I have a masters degree and I cant even spell Beaudrillard
65. Dear mom, eat my asshole. Please. Its dying to meet you.
66. Sergio may not leave the bathroom until he has thrown up
67. Nia gets wasted with Maria
68. What’s your problem? He said “a thousand times, NO”
69. To #65, you can do that with a spoon
70. Expo is out of ink
71. Anthony Aziz hasn’t seen vulva in over 25 years
72. I made it, now what?
73. Do you sit down to pee?
74. The prostate is a heavenly source of pleasure
75. Legs can also be referred to as “gams”
76. MICA= My Identity Costs Alot

Juried Shows

This site has some really great juried show information.

School is over, start applying.


I'm going to add the link to the blog LINKS. If you go to the site and go to Resources you will find opportunities.

have at it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


who has pics from the show opening and Fraizers?

i wanna see them.